Over My Shoulder

Philippa Dunne: “The shape we’re in”

August 18, 2017

Camp Kotok Week – Day 5

From time to time my good friend and fishing buddy Philippa Dunne allows me to use their Liscio Report, which covers all things labor and intriguingly is the only source I know of that actually looks at tax revenues on a state-by-state basis in a real-time manner. Philippa like to drill down on states and regions and then drop back to look at overall impacts. She is one of my go-to people when I have specific questions about data. I find that she knows the answers to 99% of my questions; and if she doesn't, she knows where to look. So I thank her for allowing me to use her latest monthly essay during Camp Kotok Week. If you're interested in subscribing to her work, you can visit www.theliscioreport.com.

Download - TLR_8_14_17.pdf