John Mauldin
Co-Founder, Mauldin Economics
The Best Rolodex in the Business
When investors, financial professionals, and discerning citizens need a big-picture view of what’s going on in the economy, they turn to John Mauldin.
And for good reason. John has dedicated more than 30 years to keeping people informed about financial risk.
John is a visionary thinker, a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance—Thoughts from the Frontline.

Thoughts from the Frontline began as John’s way of sharing his thoughts with a few associates. Some 16 years later, it is one of the most widely read investment newsletters in the world. From his warning of an impending recession in 2000, to a polemic on the Obamacare “death spiral” in 2016, John has blazed his own trail as one of the most respected macroeconomic minds in the field.
He publishes Thoughts from the Frontline through Mauldin Economics, of which he is co-founder. Mauldin Economics publishes a growing number of investing resources, including both free and paid publications aimed at helping investors thrive in today's challenging economy.
Together with Mauldin Economics, John proudly hosts the Strategic Investment Conference, an annual gathering of some of the world’s most brilliant economists and analysts. Thanks to its blue-ribbon lineup of past speakers and growing reputation as an incubator of forward-thinking investment strategies, the SIC is fast becoming one of the most hotly anticipated economic events of the year.
Additionally, John’s books have appeared on the New York Times best-seller list four times. His current book count (because he always has at least one more in the works) is six:
John is a frequent speaker at conferences around the world and is a sought-after contributor to numerous financial publications, as well as a regular guest on TV and radio.
He currently lives in Puerto Rico and is the proud father of seven children, five of whom are adopted.
Follow John on Twitter @JohnFMauldin.
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Thoughts from the Frontline
The truth behind, and beyond, the financial headlines
Follow John Mauldin as he uncovers the truth behind, and beyond, the financial headlines. Thoughts from the Frontline explores developments overlooked by mainstream news and analyzes challenges and opportunities on the horizon.
This in-depth weekly dispatch helps you understand what's happening in the economy and navigate the markets with confidence.
Premium Publications
Over My Shoulder
Streamlining your research has never been easier...
If there is another service like Over My Shoulder out there, we are unaware of it. As the name of the service indicates, as Patrick Watsoon and John Mauldin read through literally reams of top-level investment and economic research as part of their regular work each week, they keep a close watch for those special gems that deserve your immediate attention. When they find one, they forwards them to you, along with a quick pointer or two as to the importance and personal relevance of the research.
It's like having your own highly tuned radar constantly scanning the landscape for what's important, saving you time while ensuring you are exceedingly well informed on today's most pressing economic and investment topics. Learn more today about becoming a member of John Mauldin's private Over My Shoulder network.
Subscriber Comments
I am a better investor because of the insights I receive. Even good for cocktail party conversations!
This has literally changed the way I read and consume financial/economic news and analysis.
This is the single best source of information from many of the investment industry’s greatest thinkers.
Bull's Eye Investing
The era of buying and holding stocks is gone -- and will not return for some time. Now is the time to learn to target where the market is going to be, not where it has been, so you can invest successfully. Financial expert John Mauldin makes a powerful, almost irrefutable case regarding the future direction of the markets. He then details a new approach to investing that will allow you to adjust to the new reality of investing.
You'll consider options beyond traditional stock portfolios as you learn to choose between the stable and secure investments that will enable you to profit in turbulent markets. Buy your copy of this must-read investment roadmap today.
LEARN MOREThis book has more wisdom per page than any reader has the right to ask for. John Mauldin knows the score and tells the reader how to join him in keeping count. ”
John Mauldin's widely heralded new book, Bull's Eye Investing, is a breath of fresh air and a treasure trove of market insights and information. When you think you?ve read ?em all, my suggestion is that you turn to this book. Simply put, Bull's Eye Investing provides information and perspective that you will not find anywhere else. ”
Endgame: The End of the Debt SuperCycle and How It Changes Everything
Greece isn't the only country drowning in debt. The Debt Supercycle—when the easily managed, decades-long growth of debt results in a massive sovereign debt and credit crisis—is affecting developed countries around the world, including the United States. For these countries, there are only two options, and neither is good—restructure the debt or reduce it through austerity measures.
Endgame details the Debt Supercycle and the sovereign debt crisis, and shows that, while there are no good choices, the worst choice would be to ignore the deleveraging resulting from the credit crisis.
LEARN MOREThis is an extremely powerful, sobering, well-written and highly accessible book. It will demonstrate to you why there are no painless solutions to the mounting debt problems around the world--something that too many people are yet to realize. It will take you on a well-documented journey through the debt supercycle, making stops around the world and at critical junctures. And it is a must-read for anyone wishing to understand the global debt dynamics and ways to protect against its bad consequences. ”
No one has thought more creatively about the economy. Mauldin's weekly newsletter is a must-read, and his book is even more important if you want to understand a rapidly changing world. ”
Code Red: How to Protect Your Savings from the Coming Crisis
Valuable insights on monetary policies, their impact on your financial future, and how to protect against them. Written by the New York Times bestselling author team of John Mauldin and Jonathan Tepper, Code Red spills the beans on the central banks in the U.S., U.K., E.U., and Japan and how they've rigged the game against the average saver and investor. More importantly, it shows you how to protect your hard-earned cash from the bankers' disastrous monetary policies and how to come out a winner in the irresponsible game of chicken they're playing with the global financial system.
From quantitative easing to zero interest rate policies, ZIRP to the impending currency wars, runaway inflation to GDP targeting, authors Mauldin and Tepper achieve the impossible by not only explaining global monetary policy and its consequences in plain English, but also making it compelling listening.
LEARN MOREIf you read only one book on finance this year, make it Code Red: How to Protect Your Savings from the Coming Crisis, by John Mauldin and Jonathan Tepper, authors of the bestseller Endgame, which delved into the 2008 collapse. ”
When you seek strength, you read the Holy Bible. When you want entertainment, you go to Broadway. When you want to learn about the economic big picture, you read John Mauldin—one of the most connected, important, informed, and intelligent market mavens on the Street today. And, he's genuinely a nice guy. ”
A Great Leap Forward?
Many economists and historians credit Beijing’s central planners for the nation’s transformation from a poor agrarian economy in the 1970s to a space-age industrial dynamo today. Some think an even greater leap forward is coming.
John Mauldin and Worth Wray say that either way, China will shake the world. Decades of command & control governance have left China’s “old” smokestack economy overbuilt and awash in debt, with a banking system that may be seriously underwater. Beijing hopes rising retail consumption and productivity will usher in a new era of growth—but the devil is in the details.
China’s future is the entire world’s future. What will it look like? Read A Great Leap Forward? to find out.
LEARN MOREThis is one of the best books I have read on the economic situation of China. Some of the chapters show a scary picture of China's future and you might impulsively negate them. That might well be your problem in the future. Think again where you want to put your money. This book gives you a good starting point to think harder. ”
Great book. A good combination of ideas pulled together into one work. Definitely an appropropriate book for our times. ”
Just One Thing: Twelve of the World's Best Investors Reveal the One Strategy You Can't Overlook
In "Just One Thing", author John Mauldin offers an incomparable shortcut to prosperity: the personal guidance of an outstanding group of recognized financial experts, each offering the single most useful piece of advice garnered from years of investing.
Conversational rather than technical in tone, each contributor's personal principle for success is illustrated with entertaining and illuminating real-life stories.
LEARN MOREThis is a book that every serious investor should read. I am always looking for new trends and ideas that will help me be a successful investor. As a result of reading this book and a key chapter by Andy Kessler titled "Signposts in the Fog" I rode a stock from $5.50 to a current value of over $50.00. Take the time to read and contemplate what will happen next. ”
The Little Book of Bull's Eye Investing
To make money in this troubled economy you need to understand where the markets are headed, not where they?ve been. Clinging to outdated strategies and played out market trends are sure ways to miss out on new investments, and in The Little Book of Bull'?'s Eye Investing, acclaimed investment expert John Mauldin teaches you how to read the direction of the markets to make decisions that capitalize on today?s investment opportunities.
A practical road map to what?s in store for the markets to help you stay ahead of the curve, the book debunks many of the myths that have come to govern investment logic, particularly the buy-and-hold, relative return vehicles that Wall Street peddles to unsuspecting investors.
LEARN MOREJohn Mauldin understands the complexities of investing in today's tumultuous global environment. This is an invaluable guide for identifying the certainties in an increasingly uncertain market climate, and the profitable opportunities that will emerge. ”
Successful investing requires making sense of the big picture and helping investors gain perspective. The Little Book of Bull's Eye Investing is a must-read. Once again, John Mauldin has nailed it! ”
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