- October 27, 2020
You Have Questions; We Have Answers
Voting ends in seven days. So turn in your ballot, turn off the breaking news alerts, and tune in to this roundup of thoughtful feedback from your fellow Reality Check constituents.
Read moreVoting ends in seven days. So turn in your ballot, turn off the breaking news alerts, and tune in to this roundup of thoughtful feedback from your fellow Reality Check constituents.
Read moreWe sanitized our hands to the bone. Questioned every cough. Risked our safety to handle life events that couldn’t wait for a vaccine.
Read moreEveryone loves it when the guy gets the girl, David defeats Goliath, or a pauper becomes a prince.
Read moreThe coronavirus benched the $150 billion sports-betting industry for part of this year. But there's still time to make Major League profits… thanks to a 1940s board game.
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